Having your very own website for your brand, business, or simply for your professional image isn’t really enough. Your goal is to not just have a website but to actually become visible and provide useful information to your audience. For this reason, it is important that the website is also adaptable to the latest tech. And why exactly is this a necessity?
To give you a perspective of the trends in today’s World Wide Web, 80% of top Alexa websites are mobile adaptive. Consider also the fact that more and more marketers are spending on mobile ads as the years go by. And this isn’t surprising given the rise in the number of smartphones all over the world. By the end of 2019, we can expect the number of smartphone users to exceed by 19 billion. People don’t have to go to their desktop to go to the World Wide Web.
So what makes Perth web design important to be mobile-adaptive or mobile-first? Here are some of the things that you can actually get.
Better Rankings
If your website has been struggling with its ranking, getting a mobile-first web design can make a huge difference. One of the things that make web design crucial in today’s ranking is the fact that a lot of people are using their mobile phones when searching for items and information online.
And since user experience is an important criterion for top search engines’ algorithm, it is a must to have a site that fits smaller screens. The thing with a mobile-first approach is that a web designer Perth should also think of different devices from smartphones to tablets.
Improved User Experience
Because of the proliferation of smaller screens that can access the World Wide Web, it is important to prioritize how a website design can easily be used regardless of the device. And by improving user-experience, it is possible to lower your website’s bounce rate and even get more people to share your content.
Potentially Improve Your Sales
You also can’t deny that mobile users behave differently compared to that of desktop internet users. According to studies, mobile internet users are considered bigger spenders than your regular desktop internet user. One of the reasons behind this is the access of mobile users to reviews making them informed of what the company can actually offer to the table.
Be able to prioritize important parts of the site
The good thing about having a mobile-first web design is that you can showcase the most important parts of your website. Keep in mind that mobile users usually don’t have the time for lengthy contents. And the good thing about having a mobile-first approach in your web design is that you can prioritize which sections of your site appear on a specific screen size.
Having the right website makes a huge difference in the long run. This could change the way your business operates and how you can get traffic. In fact, you can even get more sales just because you prioritized the mobile design of your website.